Silver Plating For High Electrical & Heat Conductivity & Low Contact Resistance
What Is Silver Plating?
Silver plating is the process of electrolytically depositing a layer of silver onto a part.
Highest Electrical & Heat Conductivity
Silver has the highest electrical conductivity, heat conductivity and the lowest contact resistance of any metal making it ideal for the electronics industry. It is often chosen as a less-expensive alternative to gold for electrical connections.
Toxic To Bacteria & Other Micro-Organisms
Silver has found extensive use in the communication and medical industries. Silver is toxic to many bacteria and other micro-organisms. It is used in many home water filtration systems.
About Silver Plating Baths
The majority of all silver plating is performed using an alkaline cyanide solution. Silver Plating baths can be modified so that the silver deposit ranges from matte to bright as deposited. Unless appearance is an issue, matte silver deposits are preferred. They are less brittle and solder better than do bright deposits. As with any plating bath, great care has to be taken in controlling all parameters.
Large Matte Silver Plated Housing
About Silver Tarnish & Silver Sulfide
Silver tarnish is not an oxide; silver oxide does not form easily. When silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide, silver sulfide (tarnish) is produced. Silver Sulfide is not conductive nor solderable. Often a secondary treatment is applied after plating which inhibits the formation of Silver Sulfide, allowing for easier soldering of the part.
Silver Plating Specifications
Hi-Tech Plating offers all types of plated silver per specifications QQ-S-365 and ASTM-B-700-97.